Members Are Expected To Attend All Rehearsals.
Members are expected to arrive on time to rehearsals.
Members are expected to notify the secretary if they will be late or unable to attend a rehearsal.
Final dress rehearsals are mandatory.
Rehearsal Information:
PCC Chorale rehearsals are on Mondays from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. for the 2020-2021 Concert Season. Vocal warm-ups begin at 7:05 p.m.
The Women’s Ensemble rehearsals are Monday’s from 5:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m., and (1) Sunday a month from 3:00p.m. – 5:00p.m.
All regular rehearsals are in the Sanctuary of First United Methodist Church (FUMC) at 303 North Evers St. in Plant City.
Park in the street around the building, in the FUMC lot, or in the City Hall parking lot across the street from the church.
Attendance is taken at every rehearsal by the Secretary.
Members may miss three (3) rehearsals per Concert Session, but need to notify the Secretary of any known absences or if unable to attend on any given night.
Extenuating circumstances for extended absences should be discussed with the Secretary or the Artistic Director.
members are expected to pay dues by the 3rd rehearsal of a concert session.
Financial Requirements:
Dues are $35.00 per Concert Session./$140 for a Concert Season.
Members are expected to have the approved concert attire FOR EACH CONCERT.
Formal Concert Attire are: [See ATTIRE]
- Women’s Formal black dress
- Men’s Tuxedo Vest Ensemble 4-piece plus Red Bowtie
Christmas Concert Attire:
- Women: Hollis Tunic Style red top/long black shirt
- Men: White long-sleeved shirt, black vest, red bowtie/black pants for men.
Informal performance attire is a white blouse/shirt and black pants.
Formal or Informal Concert attire is REQUIRED to be able to sing in a concert.
Members are expected to mark only in pencil, maintain and return music in good condition.
There is a $35 charge for music which has been lost, defaced or is otherwise unusable again.
Members are expected to practice the concert music between rehearsals.
Singers are expected to dedicate time outside the Monday rehearsals to practice the current repertoire.
Sections may schedule sectional outside of the scheduled Monday rehearsals.
Members are encouraged to bring small recording devices to rehearsals and sectionals.
Members are expected to ensure current contact & emergency information is on file.
New Members must completely fill out and sign a Registration form and an Emergency Contact form.
This information is seen only by the BoD & the designated “emergency” person at our concert/events. We keep this on file because we care about the health & welfare of our members.
Returning Members should update their Registration and Emergency contact forms if there have been any changes since the last Concert Session.