Tie Indicates that the two (or more) notes joined together are to be played as one note with the time values added together. To be a tie, the notes must be identical; that is, they must be on the same line or the same space; otherwise, it is a slur. |
Slur Indicates that two or more notes are to be sung in one uninterrupted breath. In certain contexts, a slur may only indicate that the notes are to be played legato; in this case, rearticulation is permitted. Slurs and ties are similar in appearance. A tie is distinguishable because it always joins exactly two immediately adjacent notes of the same pitch, whereas a slur may join any number of notes of varying pitches. A phrase mark is a mark that is visually identical to a slur, but connects a passage of music over several measures. A phrase mark indicates a musical phrase and may not necessarily require that the music be slurred. In vocal music, a phrase mark usually shows how each syllable in the lyrics is to be sung. |
Glissando or Portamento A continuous, unbroken glide from one note to the next that includes the pitches between. Some instruments, such as the trombone, timpani, and the human voice can make this glide continuously (portamento). Other instruments such as the piano or mallet instruments will blur the discrete pitches between the start and end notes to mimic a continuous slide (glissando). |
Tuplet [duplets = 2, triplets = 3, etc.] A number of notes of irregular duration performed within the duration of a given number of notes of regular time value. [e.g., 5 notes played in the normal duration of 4, or 7 notes played in the normal duration of 2; etc.] Tuplets are named according to the number of irregular notes; e.g., duplets, triplets, quadruplets, etc. |
Chord Several notes sounded simultaneously (“solid” or “block”), or in succession (“broken”). Two-note chords are called dyad; three-note chords are called triads. A chord may contain any number of notes. |
Arpeggiated chord A chord with notes played in rapid succession, usually ascending, each note being sustained as the others are played. Also called a “broken chord”. |